What and why
to Freeze Dry ?

What and why to Freeze Dry?

  • Products that are natural, processed, concentrated, extracted, derived and in formula can be freeze-dried to obtain them in powder, paste, slices or in its original form.
  • Quick and easy access to fresh and healthy products.
  • Have long-life products for daily use.
  • Efficient in emergencies, pandemics or catastrophes.

Convenient for health care organizations, hospital, schools and others

Process Capacity

LioMex counts with freeze dry machines with capacities of 1102 to 4409lb of product.

A minimum of 1102lb per load is required to start the freeze-drying process.


The cost is based on the number of loads. In some cases, testing is required on the requested product.

Contact our sales team now.

We check your inquiries, guide you and advice if you can benefit from our freeze-dry process and products.

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